Elie Adam, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

eadam [at] mit [dot] edu

I study brain dynamics using mathematics, experiments and engineering. How are these dynamics generated and controlled by interacting neurobiological systems, how do they affect or alter brain function in health and disease, and how can they be leveraged for therapeutics? To address these questions: • I design and execute experiments to uncover, dissect and control brain dynamics.
• I devise mathematical models and techniques to characterize and explain them.
• I derive systems theoretic principles to unify pieces of understanding of brain function. Throughout my approach, I push for a tight interaction between mathematics, experiments and engineering. My goal is to enable a fundamental understanding of brain function, equip engineering science with new principles to analyze and design biologically-inspired systems and, whenever applicable, deliver implemented prototype systems for therapeutics.

Scientific background

I have gone through my scientific life as a practical engineer, a mathematical systems theorist and a neuroscientist: experimental, translational and computational.
My undergraduate engineering training was focused on developing hardware and software systems. I then completed my doctoral studies (2017) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a mathematical systems theorist mentored by Profs. Munther Dahleh and Sanjoy Mitter developing pen-and-paper theory on the interaction of interconnected systems and emergent phenomena.
I entered neurobiology in my postdoctoral training and joined the lab of Prof. Mriganka Sur at MIT as an experimental neuroscientist, dissecting brain circuits and function in mice. As of 2021, I have been completing my postdoctoral training with Profs. Emery Brown at MIT/MGH and Nancy Kopell at BU connecting experimental, computational and modeling approaches in human brain studies to develop clinical solutions.

Research skills

I am equally comfortable devising abstract mathematical theories, as I am with developing hardware and software solutions or performing the necessary surgical procedures for data acquisition and neural circuit probing. And, I can and have had the chance to converse with and relate to researchers from a wide range of scientific backgrounds.

Always feel free to reach out: eadam [at] mit [dot] edu.
I am always keen to discuss research and related topics.